Earn one CEU by following the directions below. This CEU opportunity is available to OSRC members only.
- Read the article
- Complete the post test and mail, with your name, address and AARC# by June 1st, 2004 to:
(Please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope to;)
Describe the pros and cons of recruitment maneuvers for ARDS patients.
Identify the problems with the ARDSNet recruitment maneuver study.
Determine whether chemical mediators play a role in ALI.
Recognize the optimal time to perform recruitment maneuvers in the disease process.
Differentiate between primary pulmonary and extrapulmonary ARDS.
Describe the role of proning in successful recruitment maneuvers.
Identify a recruitment maneuver that you might use.
Discuss overcoming barriers to implementing new procedures, such as recruitment maneuvers.
The low volume ventilation strategy from the ARDSnet study could cause collapsed alveoli. TRUE/FALSE
Performing a Best PEEP study following a recruitment maneuver is not recommended. TRUE/FALSE
Which has the greater likelihood of success? A recruitment maneuver on primary pulmonary or extrapulmonary ARDS?
Which has the greater likelihood of success? A recruitment maneuver performed early or late in ARDS?
Following an unsuccessful recruitment maneuver, repeating the maneuver after placing the patient in prone position is of no value. TRUE/FALSE