Lung Recruitment
In the dynamic field of respiratory care, effective lung recruitment techniques are vital for patients with ARDS and Acute Lung Injury. As research uncovers the complexities of lung conditions, healthcare professionals must adopt advanced methods to enhance alveolar recruitment and improve outcomes. Mastering strategies like prone positioning and tailored PEEP settings can bolster oxygenation while minimizing the risk of ventilator-related lung damage. By integrating evidence-based practices and fostering teamwork, respiratory therapists can provide optimal care, leading to improved survival rates and advancing the field of critical care respiratory therapy.
Lung Recruitment Maneuvers: Should we do them?
By Joe Dwan, MS, RRT
As RCPs, there are many lung recruitment maneuvers that our profession has utilized over the years. Defining lung recruitment maneuver as a technique to open collapsed alveoli, incentive spirometry is a lung recruitment maneuver. For mechanical ventilation, lung recruitment maneuvers include Sigh, High Frequency Ventilation, Airway Pressure Release Ventilation, prone positioning and PEEP, PEEP and more PEEP. This article will discuss lung recruitment maneuvers specifically for ARDS patients, but may also apply to Acute Lung Injury (ALI) patients.
The internationally renowned Dr. Amato described lung recruitment maneuvers in 1998 with his article on lung protective ventilation strategies (1). By now, every RT in the country should be using the low volume (4-6 cc/kg) strategy for ARDS patients, as described in the ARDSNet study (2). This study showed a 22% decrease in mortality of ARDS patients by using the low lung volume/lung protection ventilatory strategy. Those RTs who are not using this ventilatory strategy for ARDS patients are at risk for negligence in the care of their patients.
The interest in lung recruitment maneuvers has been driven by the ARDSNet low volume ventilation strategy in ARDS, because these low tidal volumes could result in de-recruitment or atelectasis of alveoli, in addition to de-recruitment caused by ARDS. Volutrauma, sheering pressures, Volume Induced Lung Injury (VILI) and de-recruitment are all terms to describe the damage caused by a high volume (10-12cc/kg) ventilatory strategy for ARDS patients. Marini defined lung recruitment as a sustained increase in airway pressure with the goal to open collapsed lung units and then add sufficient PEEP to maintain the units open (3). He further described lung protective strategy as preventing the destruction of lung units due to the repetitive opening and closing of alveolar units, reducing lung inflammation, and improving gas distribution and oxygenation (3). According to Dr Art Slutsky, keynote speaker at this years AARC convention, chemical mediators are implicated in ARDS lung injury and end-organ dysfunction, leading to mortality (15).Marini also believes that sustained recruitment of alveoli is important in avoiding ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI)(4). The nature of the ARDS lung is not as homogeneous as the ‘white-out’ CXR appears. There are alveoli with consolidated and partially flooded alveoli next to both open and collapsed alveoli. Therefore, potentially inflatable (recruitable) alveoli are intermixed with consolidated alveoli that cannot be recruited with a recruitment maneuver. This is an important point when assessing the success or failure of a recruitment maneuver.
Prone positioning of severe ARDS patients has improved oxygenation (12). Albert reported PaO2 improved in 50-70% of ARDS patients while in the prone position (5). Marini reported failed recruitment maneuvers when the patient was supine, but successful recruitment maneuvers when the patient was placed in the prone position (4). Gattinoni reported no survival benefit from the use of prone positioning in ARDS patients (9). Marini and Gattinoni both prone patients who are refractory to supine recruitment maneuvers, with sometime surprising results. (14)
High PEEP levels, as a recruitment maneuver, has been studied by various authors. Grasso studied 22 pts with ARDS who had been ventilated with the ARDSNet lung protective strategy and applied 40 cm CPAP for 40 seconds (6). He found the responder group increased PaO2/FiO2 by 175% while the nonresponders increased by only 20%. The responders had been ventilated for a shorter time, had less hemodynamic impairment, and lower lung and chest wall elastance. (6)
The Lim study showed that early intervention in ARDS patients with recruitment maneuvers was more successful than late intervention of recruitment maneuvers (7). Lim, Marini & others have described better success with recruitment maneuvers in ARDS patients with extrapulmonary causes of the ARDS rather than primary causes of ARDS. Examples of extrapulmonary causes of ARDS are sepsis and trauma. Examples of primary causes of ARDS are pneumonia and aspiration. Dries’ article discussed experimental oleic acid injury resulting in a lung that was 55% recruitable whereas primary pulmonary ARDS had less than 8% total potential recruitment (8).
In an unpublished King County (Seattle) study, Dr Leonard Hudson evaluated recognition of ALI and ARDS (15). Of the 6318 ventilated patients evaluated, 4102 were screened for ALI using the American European Consensus Conference definition (bilateral infiltrates on frontal CXR & PCWP<= 18 or no evidence of left atrial hypertension. With these criteria, then ALI is defined as PaO2/FiO2 ratio <=300 while ARDS is defined as PaO2/FiO2 <=200). (15) The results showed that ALI is more common than previously reported (previous ALI/ARDS incident 3-18/100,000/yr, King Co. 50-100/100,000/yr).(15) also showed that recognized ALI patients had an average ventilator length of stay of 10.7, whereas the unrecognized ALI patients average VLOS was 7.0 days (15). The implication is that recruitment maneuvers may be indicated on many more patients that is now considered.
Graphics on mechanical ventilators is an important tool to assess recruitment maneuvers and to determine the best PEEP level, which prevents de-recruitment after the maneuver. Graphics should be the standard of care in all ICUs. The pressure/volume curve has been used for years as means to determine compliance and airway resistance of the patient. The Pflex, also known as the Critical Opening Pressure, on the pressure/volume curve is that point on the inspiratory limb of the curve where the volume dramatically increases with smaller pressure changes. However, Marini recently stated that we should not use the Pressure-Volume curve for Best PEEP, when using the lower inflection point or Pflex (15). The algorhythms of the latest ventilators plus the low resolution of graphics screens make it difficult to clearly identify the Pflex PEEP level.
The optimal recruitment maneuver has not been clearly identified in the literature. Multiple maneuvers are described in the literature. Marini uses the 40/40 rule. Which is 40 cm H20 PEEP for 40 seconds, based upon the old anesthesia method to reinflate the post-op lung with 10 breaths for 40 seconds (15). The review article by Barbas states the recruitment maneuver of 34-40 cm CPAP for 40 seconds followed by the PEEP set at 2 cm above the Pflex and tidal volume <6 ml/kg were associated with a 28 day ICU survival rate of 62%. (10) This contrasts with a survival rate of only 29% with conventional ventilation, without recruitment maneuvers and with using the lowest PEEP for acceptable oxygenation and a Vt of 12 ml/kg. (10). This review article also discusses thoracic CT scans and Electrical Impedance Tomography as tools to recruit ARDS lungs and adjust the best PEEP levels, while maintaining adequate tidal volume ventilation (10).
The ARDSNet group also evaluated recruitment maneuvers in a randomized control trial. They evaluated the effects of recruitment maneuvers on oxygenation, duration of the effects, and immediate effects on blood pressure, heart rate and barotrauma. Their recruitment maneuver applied CPAP of 35-40 cm for 30 seconds. They monitored SpO2, FiO2/PEEP, blood pressure, heart rate, and CXR for 8 hours following the procedure (11). They also described 43% of the 96 patients had primary pulmonary, not extrapulmonary, ARDS (11). Others have described the recruitment maneuver as having minimal effect on SpO2 with primary pulmonary ARDS. In their discussion, they note their patients had higher PEEP levels (they started at 13 cm H2O) that may have accounted for the variable results in SpO2 and FiO2/PEEP measurements. (11). They also reported variable static compliance measurements. The article neglected to discuss autopeep or graphics, nor did they determine the best PEEP level following the recruitment maneuver. This is a major flow in this study. They did note that the barotrauma rate for the patients with or without the recruitment maneuver were similar (11).
Recruitment strategies, opening the lung and keeping it open have been the topics of many lectures and discussions the last several years. For more than 30 years, Best PEEP studies have been done measuring three parameters: oxygenation, cardiac function, and compliance. The Open Lung Tool on the Servo I ventilator utilizes similar graphed measurements to determine the effectiveness of recruitment maneuvers and the best PEEP level to prevent derecruitment. Other manufacturers may follow suit with similar graphic visualization of opening the lung with PEEP. Barriers to providing lung protective ventilation was the title of a survey of ICU respiratory therapists and nurses. (12).
Barriers identified included physician willingness to relinquish control of the ventilator, physician recognition of ALI/ARDS, and perceptions of patient contraindications to low tidal volumes. Additional barriers included patient discomfort and tachypnea, concerns over hypercapnia, acidosis and hypoxemia (12). Techniques for overcoming these barriers include specific ventilator setup recommendations, clinician (& staff) education, and objective tools to assess patient discomfort (12). This information may be useful when you implement both the ARDSnet low volume ventilation strategy and recruitment maneuvers to open the lung.
As respiratory therapists, overcoming barriers when implementing new procedures, such as recruitment maneuvers, can be challenging. Learning the literature of recruitment maneuvers, assessing and discussing the pros and cons of the procedure, educating your coworkers including nurses and physicians, utilizing evidence based medicine and tools, could assist in your success.
Conclusions from the literature on lung recruitment maneuvers are unclear. Defining when, how and why to do recruitment maneuvers is uncertain. Opening the lung by recruiting all available alveoli, and keeping the alveoli is logical and consistent with many past practices, such as Sigh, Best PEEP, etc. Utilizing recruitment maneuvers early during ARDS has some evidence to support it. Applying the recruitment maneuvers to extrapulmonary, as opposed to primary pulmonary ARDS patients has some evidence to support it. The optimal method of recruitment maneuvers is not well defined, although many are using the 40 cm CPAP for 40 seconds. However, there is now sufficient evidence that recruitment maneuvers, coupled with Best PEEP studies, can keep the lung open in many ARDS patients.
- Amato, Effect of a protective-ventilation strategy on mortality in the acute respiratory distress syndrome, NEJM, 1998;338:347-354.
- Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Network, Ventilation with lower tidal volumes as compared with traditional tidal volumes for acute lung injury and the acute respiratory distress syndrome, NEJM, 2000;342:1301-1308.
- Marini, Recruitment maneuvers to achieve and “open lung”: Whether and how?, Crit Care Med, 2001;29(8):1647-1648.
- Marini, Efficacy of lung recruiting maneuvers: it’s all relative, Crit Care Med, 2003;31(2): 641-642.
- Albert, The prone position eliminates compression of the lungs by the heart, Am J Respir Crit Care 2000;161:1660-1665.
- Grasso, Effects of recruiting maneuvers in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome ventilated with protective ventilatory strategy, Anesthesiology 2002;96:795-802.
- Lim, Effect of alveolar recruitment maneuver in early acute respiratory distress syndrome according to antiderecruitment strategy, etiological category of diffuse lung injury, and body position of the patient, Crit Care Med, Feb 2003;31(2):411-418.
- Dries, J Trauma, 2003; 54(2):326-328.
- Gattinoni, Effect of prone positioning on the survival of patients with acute respiratory failure, NEJM, 2001; 345(8): 568-573.
- Barbas, Lung recruitment maneuvers in acute respiratory distress syndrome and facilitating resolution, April 2003; 31(4):S265-S271.
- ARDSNet, Effects of recruitment maneuvers in patients with acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome ventilated with high positive end expiratory pressure, Feb 2003; 31(11);2592-2597.
- Rubenfeld, Barriers to providing lung-protective ventilation to patients with acute lung injury, Crit Care Med, 2004; 32(6); 1289-1293.
- Lamm, Mechanisim by which the prone position improves oxygenation in acute lung injury”, Am J Respir Crit Care, 1994; 150:184-193.
- Marini, Gattinoni, “Ventilatory management of acute respiratory distress syndrome: A consensus of two:, CCM, 2004, 32(1):250-255.
- Maquet Servo Seminar, “New Insights in Mechanical Ventilation”, Aug 04, Monterey, Calif.
AARC Asthma Educator Certification
Elevate your respiratory care career with the AARC’s online Asthma Educator Certification Preparation Course, designed for flexible, self-paced learning. This program prepares you for the NAECB certification exam while enhancing your understanding of asthma diagnosis and management. Enjoy on-demand access to the same esteemed faculty and materials as the in-person course, earning valuable continuing education credits.
A Letter from 2021 AARC Chief Operating Officer
I am very pleased to announce that the AARC’s popular Asthma Educator Certification Preparation Course is now accessible on line. This means that you can view the asthma course when it is convenient to you. It’s available on line and on demand.
There are several reasons why you should consider taking this course, including:
- Preparing for the certification exam offered by the NAECB
- Earning 10.5 CRCE
- Preparing for health care reform which will likely include asthma disease management
- Bolstering your asthma knowledge about asthma diagnosis and management
- AND an opportunity to take advantage of an early bird discount for AARC members.
This online course is the mirror image of the live course that has helped prepare thousands of respiratory therapists and which increased their chances of passing the exam. The faculty is the same as are the materials that you will receive. You will be walked through the same process just as if you are at the live course.
Important aspects of this course include:
- A pre-test that allows you to gauge your knowledge before you start the course (allowing you to know specific areas to concentrate on)
- A post-test (which allows you two attempts to take the exam and to earn your CRCEs)
- The resource library (will provide you with pertinent materials that you can use to prepare for taking the AE-C exam)
- We invite you to proceed to the registration area for more information.
Asthma Educator Certification
Preparation Course
Thomas J. Kallstrom, RRT, AE-C, FAARC
2021 AARC Chief Operating Officer
UPDATE MARCH 2025: For all active CEU’s offered by the AARC, visit their website here.
Current RT Credential/Licensing
Navigating the path to your Certified Respiratory Therapist credential is essential in your professional journey. Start by logging into your NBRC account to confirm your exam eligibility. You can apply online or submit a paper application, making sure all prerequisites are fulfilled. After submitting, wait for confirmation of your status and schedule your exam through the NBRC or PSI services portal. This streamlined approach simplifies the process and helps you advance your respiratory care career, enabling you to positively impact your patients’ lives.
Steps to Schedule Your CRT Exam through NBRC
- Log into Your NBRC Account
- Access your NBRC account by logging in at
- Check Exam Eligibility
- On your account’s homepage, you should see a list of exams you are eligible to take.
- Apply for the Exam
- You can apply online or by submitting a paper application with the required fee, provided you meet all admission requirements.
- Await Application Confirmation
- Once your application is reviewed, you will receive an email indicating whether your test application is Complete or Incomplete.
- If your application is incomplete, contact NBRC at (888) 341-4811 to resolve the issue before scheduling your exam.
- Scheduling the Exam
- If the NBRC representative does not schedule your exam over the phone, they will update your file to allow online scheduling.
- Go to the Exams section, select your desired credential (CRT), and proceed through the application process.
- If prompted to pay again, do not submit payment; contact NBRC for assistance.
- Select Your Exam Location and Time
- Once eligibility is confirmed, you will be routed to the PSI services portal to select your testing site, date, and time.
- Review Important Information
- Carefully read all provided instructions.
- To reschedule, contact NBRC online or by phone at least two business days before your scheduled exam date to avoid rescheduling fees.
- Carefully read all provided instructions.
State License: Oregon Licensing Process
- Access Licensing Information
- Visit the Oregon Health Licensing Office (HLO).
- Navigate to License Application
- Scroll down to the “I want to…” section.
- Click Apply for License and select RT/PT Licensing Board – Respiratory Therapy from the list.
- Direct link: RT/PT Licensing Board.
- Download the Application
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and under Forms, select the RT/PT Respiratory Therapist License Application.
- Application Requirements
- Meet OAR 331 Division 30 Requirements: Ensure compliance with the Health Licensing Office standards.
- Submit the Application Form: Include payment of the required application and license fees ($100).
- Fingerprint-Based National Criminal Background Check: Must be completed within 30 days of submitting the application.
- Age Verification: Be at least 18 years old and submit official documentation (e.g., birth certificate, driver’s license, passport).
- Educational Proof: Provide evidence of a high school diploma or equivalent.
- Active Credential Proof: Submit documentation directly from NBRC showing an active Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT)
- Note: Proof must be sent directly to the Health Licensing Office by NBRC.
- Pass the Oregon Laws and Administrative Rules Exam: Complete this within two years before the application date.
- Contact Information for Licensing Support
- Phone: 503-378-8667
- Email:
Respiratory Therapists – Licensing Requirements
In 2017, Oregon improved respiratory therapy licensure accessibility with HB 3014, streamlining applications while maintaining professional integrity. Effective January 1, 2018, aspiring respiratory therapists can obtain permanent licensure by presenting their active Registered Respiratory Therapist credential and passing the Oregon Laws and Rules Examination, ensuring the qualification of individuals in this essential role. This change reflects a commitment to professional standards and meets the increasing demand for skilled respiratory care, creating exciting opportunities for those dedicated to enhancing community health and well-being.
An official copy of the Oregon Administrative Rules can be obtained on the Health Licensing Office’s website at
Respiratory Therapists – Licensure Requirements – January 1, 2018
1430 Tandem Ave NE, Suite 180
Salem, OR 97301-2192
Phone: (503) 378-8667
Fax: (503) 585-9114
DATE: September 19, 2017
TO: Interested Parties – Respiratory Therapists and Polysomnographic Technologists Licensing Board
FROM: Cerynthia Murphy, Qualification Analyst
SUBJECT: Respiratory Therapists – Licensure Requirements – January 1, 2018
During the 2017 Legislative Session HB 3014 was passed simplifying the process to obtain a respiratory therapy license while still ensuring that qualified individuals gain licensure in Oregon.
On August 9, 2017, the Respiratory Therapists and Polysomnographic Technologists Licensing Board (Board) voted to adopted changes to the Oregon Administrative Rules, which affect application requirements to obtain permanent licensure as a Respiratory Therapist.
As of January 1, 2018, Oregon Administrative Rule 331-710-0010 requires application for licensure to include verification and submission of the following:
· Active credential through the National Board of Respiratory Care (NBRC) as a Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT); and
· Successful passage of the Respiratory Therapy Oregon Laws and Rules Examination.
Please Note: The requirements listed above are not inclusive of all application requirements as specified within Oregon Administrative Rule 331-710-0010 to obtain permanent licensure, only new requirements as adopted within the Oregon Administrative Rules effective January 1, 2018.
Prior to January 1, 2018
As part of the application requirements to obtain permanent licensure, individuals may provide verification of the Certified Respiratory Therapist (CRT) examination administered by the NBRC, which will not be an option after January 1, 2018.
An official copy of the Oregon Administrative Rules can be obtained on the Health Licensing Office’s website at